Call me odd (ok, you probably already do), but ever since I was a little kid, I got a charge out of seeing people making purposeful choices to improve their lives. And now, I’m blessed to have the opportunity to hopefully help make at least a small difference in the lives of so many incredible, amazing people across this great country. We’re not the biggest wellness provider (never will be – we’re too focused on each of you as individuals to offer the cheap, generic alternatives), but nobody – NOBODY – cares more about making a difference. And we’ll do (I’ll do!) everything possible to demonstrate that to each of you on a daily and even hourly basis.
Blogs are a dime a dozen. And I fully realize that not many folks will read this. But for those who do happen across these words, here are some of the promises you can count on from us here at Wellness Nation…
1 – We care about you – as the incredible individual you are – immensely. And we aim to demonstrate that in EVERY interaction with you.
2- We won’t push “spreadsheet and poster” wellness on you. Wellness must be integrated with real life, and what looks good on paper often makes little sense in the midst of the realities of life. Let’s start with you – and build from there.
3 – Guilt may work short term, but relationships form the basis for long-term success. We promise to skip the guilt trip approach in favor of building a relationship that matters.
We’re not perfect – but we aim to get better – at every turn. Many of the best ideas for improvements come from you. Got an idea of how we can get better? Send to me directly ( – I’d love to hear from you.