Healthcare Savings
Per Year for Employees
Who Exercise 1-2
Times a Week
Percentage of Adults that
Will Be Diagnosed with
A Chronic Disease
In Their Lifetime
The Medical
Savings for Every
Dollar Spent on
Employee Wellness
The Cost of Productivity
Losses to Employers
Associated with
Chronic Disease
Extra Cost
Per Smoker
Each Year
The Annual Savings
Per Employee Who
Does Not Increase
Any Health Risk Factors
The Percentage of
Americans Who Are
Overweight or
Clinically Obese
The Average Reduction
In Sick Leave Resulting
From an Effective Employee
Wellness Program
The Number of Calories
You Could Burn by Riding
Your Bike To Work
Everyday For One Year
Annual Cost of
Productivity Costs
Per Employee
The Number of Days
Your Life Expectancy is
Lowered for Each Pound
Above your Ideal Weight
The Number of
Minutes it Takes
Your Brain to Realize
Your Stomach is Full
Decrease in sleepiness
among people who exercised
150 minutes/week
The Percentage of Our
Participants who Report
A "Good Connection" with
Their Personal Wellness Coach
How Many Fewer
Calories a Person
Will Burn When
The Direct
Impact Individual
Behavior Has on
Healthcare Costs
The Increase in
Employee Quality of
Life & Performance on
Days that Included Exercise
The Distance Walked,
In Yards, to Burn off
The Calories in a Single
Plain M & M Candy
Ranking of "Active
Participation" in Necessary
Components for an
Effective Wellness Program
The Greater the
Likelihood Someone
With a Pessimistic
Outlook is to Catch a Cold
The Percentage of
Emergency Room Visits
That are Considered
The Percentage of People
Visiting this Website
Who Can't Resist Clicking
Through these Statistics
The Total Number
Of Minutes the
Average American
Watches TV per Day
The Average
Annual Increase
In Health Care
Costs for Employers
The Percentage Of
Muscle Lost in a 65
Year Old Who has Not
Engaged in Regular Exercise
Time spent on a daily
brisk walk to reduce
heart attack risk 50%