Take a step back and think for a moment. During your last meal (or even snack), did you choose to eat? Or did you decide to fuel?
Eating involves consuming. That consumption is the ultimate goal. There is no “next step” in mind when the choice is to “eat.” Think of a trash compactor. It’s goal is to consume the trash – to put it away as quickly and efficiently as possible. That’s exactly what eating involves – consume as efficiently as possible, with no eye on the future. A plethora of calorie dense, “fast” options make that the easy choice.
On the other end of the spectrum is to fuel. Fueling is always done with a purpose in mind. A next step in the picture. Whether it’s fueling up your car or fueling up a plane or charging up your cell phone, it is done for a purpose. Taking the same approach to your next meal or snack (how will my selection affect my performance over the next several hours?), then we’re guaranteed to make smarter choices. Guaranteed!
One of our fun contest give-aways you may see is a sports towel, used when on the bike or working out to keep the sweat at bay. Their look, feel and size are great. But my favorite thing about ‘em is the phrase that appears below our logo: Move…Fuel…Repeat!
You see, when it comes to our own health and wellness, we can discuss all kinds of studies about calorie intake, ratios of carbs/fats and proteins, heart rate levels, etc. And all of those things are good. But when it comes down to it, the strategy is pretty simple – “Move…Fuel…Repeat!”
See you at the fuel stop!
Make it a great week, Champion