It’s true! Lance Armstrong will be returning to professional cycling in 2009. If you’d like to see him discuss it, here’s a link to his site:
What does this mean to us – as regular people, participating in an employee wellness program? A lot! Lance has all the money he can ever spend. He’s one of the most recognized individuals on the planet. He’s well respected. He’s enjoyed staying in shape as a 3-time marathoner. And yet, he’s not content to settle.
In many ways, improving your own health and wellness involves a commitment to ongoing improvement. Among the thousands and thousands of clients with whom we work, not one person is perfect. There’s always room for growth, improvement or fine-tuning. Even for those who have created a consistent schedule and eat well, variety (in both exercise and eating patterns) can be extremely valuable in continued improved health and wellness.
So today – while Lance starts his path to Tour Victory #8 – let’s all identify our next big goal and start training along with him. Today’s the day!